YODLEY is happy to provide you with a PTR & PTS Calculator. With GST, rate calculations for Pharma Stockists and Pharma Retailers have changed. Below PCD Calculator below will give you an idea of how to calculate retailer and stockist margins. Here PTR means Price to Retailer and PTS means Price to Stockist. You can also calculate the net scheme. For example, if you want to give a scheme of 10% then this calculator automatically calculates net PTS and PTR according to the percentage you entered.
MRP excluding TAX = (MRP )/ (1 + (GST %/100))
P.T.R = (above value ) / (1+ (Retailer %/100))
P.T.S = (above value) / (1+ (Stockist %/100))
In order to calculate PTR & PTS, please enter MRP, GST%, Retailer Margin and Stockist Margin in Given form.
What is PTR & PTS
PTS (Price to Stockist):
It is the price at which the stockist buys medicine from a pharma firm.
MRP: It can denote either Material Requirements Planning or Maximum Retail Price.
GST: The goods and services tax (GST) is a form of tax imposed on the majority of goods and services sold for local consumption in numerous countries.
Importance of Retail and Stockist Margin
Retail and Stockist Margin is the profit percentage that stockists and retailers earn on pharmaceutical sales. It is essential to know these margins for sustaining and growing your business.
Retail Margin: It is the profit percentage made by a retailer on selling the product to the end customer. The Retail Margin is calculated as:
Retail Margin= ((MRP - PTR) / MRP) * 100
Stockist Margin: It is the profit percentage made by a stockist on product selling to the retailer. The Stockist Margin is calculated as:
Stockist Margin = ((PTR - PTS) / PTR) * 100
Scheme: The percentage that the user has entered.
Net scheme: The determined by the calculator is based on the percentage specified for the scheme.