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Cholecalciferol Sachet

UWELL-D3 Sachets

Cholecalciferol Sachet 60000 IU- This sachet contains a strong ingredient called Cholecalciferol that helps the body absorb more calcium when your diet lacks calcium intake and treats Vitamin D3 deficiency (not having enough Vitamin D in your body which affects your bones and muscles). It is also used to alleviate the symptoms of Osteoporosis (decrease of bone mass and bone mineral density that causes the bones to become brittle or weak due to low levels of calcium in your body), Hypoparathyroidism ( a condition in which your body produces less parathyroid hormone or PTH which is responsible for maintaining calcium levels in the body), and Osteomalacia (not proper developing of bones in adults) and Rickets (affected bone development in children), etc.

Chemical Class: Cholecalciferol falls under the class of Pro-vitamins. 

Mode of Action: Cholecalciferol increases the calcium intake by the intestines and fulfills vitamin deficiencies.

Habit-Forming: No habit-forming tendency was reported.


  • This nutritional supplement treats Vitamin D deficiency increases calcium absorption in the body, and helps in the mineralization of bones. 
  • This sachet contains Cholecalciferol which is also useful for treating conditions like Osteoporosis (decrease of bone mass and bone mineral density that causes the bones to become brittle or weak due to low levels of calcium in your body), Hypoparathyroidism ( a condition in which your body produces less parathyroid hormone or PTH which is responsible for maintaining calcium levels in the body), and Osteomalacia (not proper developing of bones in adults) and Rickets (affected bone development in children), etc.

Side Effects

Major and minor side effects of Cholecalciferol Sachet 60000 IU include-

  • Nausea or Vomiting (rare)
  • Constipation
  • Increased blood calcium levels
  • Increased calcium levels in urine (rare)
  • Skin rash, hives, or itching (rare)
  • Chest pain; shortness of breath
  • Mental Confusion (rare)

Most of these symptoms have a rare chance of occurrence and do not require medical attention. However, if any of the symptoms are persistent or get worse, consider informing your doctor about the same before further use.


  1. Alcohol intake should be limited as taking cholecalciferol along with alcohol may cause unpleasant reactions and affect calcium absorption.
  2. In case you feel dizzy or experience weakness, avoid performing activities that require focus such as driving.
  3. If you have any kidney or liver impairments, seek advice from a doctor, and do not consume without thorough consultation.
  4. Children are given the medicine based on their age and weight. Therefore, avoid giving this supplement to children if not prescribed.


  1. Cholecalciferol passes into breast milk, thus, discuss the benefits and risks of the medicine while breastfeeding with your doctor.
  2. This medicine is recommended for pregnant women. Pregnant women can also use higher doses of cholecalciferol because it acts as a nutritional supplement. Consume higher doses only if advised by the doctor.
  3. If you have malabsorption syndrome, avoid using cholecalciferol sachet and ask for an alternative. 
  4. If you are a patient of hypervitaminosis or hypercalcemia, do not use this supplement unless advised by a professional.

Directions for Use

  • Open the sachet from the top and pour the whole powder into a glass of water.
  • Swallow the mixture in one or two gulps.
  • Add the complete sachet into the water, do not add half of it or a certain amount of the powder as storing it for later can affect its properties. 
  • Take as advised by your doctor and do not overuse.

Storage Conditions

Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q) What are the uses of Cholecalciferol Sachet 60000 IU?

Ans) Cholecalciferol Sachet 60000 IU is used to treat Vitamin D deficiency, increase calcium absorption by the body, and treat conditions like Osteoporosis, Hypoparathyroidism, Osteomalacia, and rickets.

Q) Can I give this medicine to my 5-year-old child?

Ans) This medicine can be given to children if prescribed by a professional.

Q) What are the side effects of Cholecalciferol Sachet 60000 IU?

Ans) Common side effects include- nausea or vomiting, constipation, skin rashes or itching, etc.

Q) Can I consume while taking this nutritional supplement?

Ans) Alcohol intake should be limited as taking cholecalciferol along with alcohol may cause unpleasant reactions and affect calcium absorption.